Audi India has launched his new Audi A6 in Bharat and it is priced at 37.70 lakhs for the base version. the A6 will compare with the E-Class, 5-Series, XF, S80. Audi price it very competive. the following prices are:
Ex-Showroom Delhi:
2.8 FSI- 39.9 lakhs
3.0 TFSI- 47 lakhs
3.0 TDI- 46.95 lakhs
the A6 looks more better and competive than the older one. and have a lip-spoiler the previous generation A6 was not a succes in India as Audi has expected but this new 7th generation must need once do Audi India expecting to sold not less than 2000 units this year , the A6 coming as CKD.
the Audi A6 is available in two Diesel and two Petrol engines, the seven-speed automatic transmission is standard available on all versions with 3.0 TDI and 3.0 TFSI getting the S-Tronic while the remaining get the multitronic option. The base petrol and diesel variants can do speeds up to 240 kph and 222 kph respectively while the Quattro variants are capable of hitting 250 kph all of which ride on meaty 17 inch rubber. Inside, the Audi MMI system now gets an added feature. A touch pad has been provided alongside the MMI controls which can be used for hassle-free and quick access. The touch pad can be used to browse through media or for the in-built phone application
futher they has safety features and the Xenon-Led Lights, and a beautiful interior.