Force India has launched his first passenger car in India! prices start at 10.65 lakhs ex-Showroom Delhi. the car is a seven-seater and powered by a 2.2 liter Diesel Engine the same that Mercedes uses by the C-Class and the E-Class, and will currently available in only 4x2 version, The 4x4 version will launch in March 2012 so we also can expect that the 4x4 will display on the 2012 Delhi auto expo. The One will complete with the Scorpi, Safari and even Fortuner.
2011 Force One
the Force One is actually a rebadged Guangdong Foday Explorer III.Force Motors imports the panels and assembles the SUV at their plant in Madhya Pradesh.
The suspension and chassis was tweaked by Lotus, UK. Most of you would agree that, the Lotus Exige is one of the best handling sports cars and is known for its close to perfect cornering abilities. The SUV was also put to test in the UK after fine-tuning its chassis and suspension. Despite all of this, those who have tested the car in India feel that the Force One pitches disconcertingly under hard braking, which is something characteristic of softly sprung cars. That said, we will reserve our opinion on the handling and performance of the vehicle until we test it ourselves.
The 4×4 version of Force One will be here in 2012. It will also pack modern safety features like ABS and Airbags which the present 4×2 variant lacks. Now, the main rival for the Force One will be the Tata Safari and the Mahindra Scorpio. Mahindra offer all-wheel-drive and Airbags on their product for the same money. Tata Motors too is preparing a new model of the Tata Safari. Force Motors expect to sell 4000 units of the Force One in the First year, which seems quite a realistic target, but only time will tell how customers react to then new SUV